Молекулярні дані сенсибілізації до пилку відповідно спектру пилку в Україні
Rodinkova V 1 ; Yuriev S 2,3 ; Chopyak V 4 ; Dityatkovaskaya E 5 ; Gashinova E 5 ; Bezdetko T 6 ; Kasianenko H 7 ; Goncharuk S 7 ; Marushko I 3 ; Zubchenko S 4 ; Sharikadze O 2 ; Moskovenko O 2,3 ; Kolesnikova O 2 ; Palamarchuk O 1
Method : The data of 1013 patients living in different regions of Ukraine diagnosed using the Allergy Explorer (ALEX) test was analyzed. A comparison was made between the data of molecular sensitization and pollen and spores count obtained in Central and Eastern regions of Ukraine.
Results : Despite the fact that grass pollen is not prevalent in air spectrum of Ukraine, 39% of tested patients had raised amount of 7 specific IgEs to timothy grass included into the Alex panel. Increased levels of fescue sIgE had 29% tested individuals. 35% of patients were sensitized to allergens of ragweed, which are prevalent in southern and south- eastern regions of Ukraine. Sensitization to birch allergens was seen in 34% of cases, 21.6% of patients were sensitive to alder pollen and 19% ‒ to hazelnut allergens, available in the Alex panel. Betula-Alnus sensitization was observed in 21.8% cases. Betula and Alnus , contribute the most tree pollen in the air of Northern and Central Ukraine. 23.5% of patients were sensitized to pollen of mugwort, that is present in all regions of the country. 23.3% of the tested individuals were sensitive to Alternaria allergens, which levels are high and very high in midsummer and autumn in Ukraine. Such sensitization rate to Alternaria was not detected in Ukraine before due to the absence of robust diagnostic methods. 18% of tested individuals were sensitized to Olive family pollen. 17.5% of them—to olive allergens, despite this tree does not grow in Ukraine and just 4.6%—to ash, which is common in our country. 8.5% of the patients reacted to cypress pollen—due to its cross- reactions with pollen of thuja, juniper and yew. The lowest sensitization rates (0- 1%) were observed for Cladosporium , nettle, which levels are high and very high in the air, and for mulberry, poplar, mercuries, wall pellitory, elm and privet, which pollen is also seen in Ukraine.
Conclusion : The highest sensitization rates were seen for grass, ragweed, birch, wormwood, alder and Alternaria . The lowest number of sensitized (0- 1%) was recorded for Cladosporium , nettle, peppermint, mercuries, mulberry, poplar, wall pellitory, elm and privet.